Thursday 29 September 2016

Boom, Burrito time!

Now the origin of the modern burrito is not known. Although, it is thought that the burrito originated in an American-Mexican community. It is believed that the burrito may have originated in northern Mexico in The nineteenth century. It is believed that farmworkers that worked on the fields in
Southern California. Farmworkers would prepare lunches in the fields, these lunches were slices of meat that were wrapped in flour wraps with vegetables and sauces. Although it is not proven this theory is the one many people believe.

 There is many different types of Burritos such as Mexican Burrito, San Francisco Burrito and San Diego Burrito. What is the difference? 

Mexican Burrito                                                                                                                                            

 Mexican burritos are usually small and thin, with flour tortillas containing only one or two ingredients: some form of meat or fish, potatoes, rice, beans, cheese and chilli.

San Francisco Burrito 

 This type of burrito is a giant stuffed tortilla, which may include fillings such as beef, lettuce, peppers, Mexican style rice, beans, onions and sour cream.

San Diego Burrito

 This Burrito is called a Carne asada Burrito. It includes different meats, avocado, peppers, onions, lettuce, sour cream and any other sauces of choice.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Lets talk about Tacos

The taco dates back to before the arrival of Europeans in Mexico. There is written proof that the native people living in the Valley of Mexico traditionally ate tacos filled with fish. During the time of the Spanish Conquistadores it is documented the first taco meal eaten by Europeans.

  It is believed that the taco started in Mexican mines. It is believed that some time in the 19th century the taco was invented in the mines. This theory about the taco comes from the original name of the taco which was called “taco de minero,” which translates to miner’s tacos. It is thought that the word taco originally came from pieces of paper that miners would wrap around gunpowder and use in holes that was in the the rock they were blowing up.

 Mexican people have been eating fish tacos in the coastal areas for an awfully long time. Tacos being filled with fish probably goes back thousands of years ago to when native North American people first wrapped fish in a corn tortilla. It was wrapped in a corn tortilla to change it up because fish was the main food in these towns and was eaten many different ways with many different things.

 There is two main types of taco 'Traditional Taco' 'Non-Traditional Taco', what is the difference?
There is many kinds of traditional tacos Tacos de camarones ("shrimp tacos"), Tacos de lengua ('beef tongue tacos"),Tacos de pescado ("fish tacos"), Tacos dorados ("fried tacos") and the list goes on. Things traditional tacos have in common, there is many things but i am going to highlight 3,
·       They are soft tacos.
·       American Tacos are made from flour these tacos were made from corn, they are also made fresh.
·       There is never lettuce, tomato and cheese. Rarely there may be sour cream available at a taquería.
Non traditional tacos. In the beginning of the twentieth century, many different styles of tacos have become popular in America. The first appearance of tacos in an American cook book written in English was in 1914. The style that has become most common in North America is the hard-shell, U-shaped version described in the cook book.

·       They’re are in hard u-shaped shells.
·       Made from flour and are not fresh.
·       They contain lettuce, tomato and cheese. there is also various sauces such as sour cream.
·       My favourite home made Tacos are the Old el Paso taco kits. They do many styles that are worth a taste

Monday 26 September 2016

Ladies and gentlemen I give you the Fajita

Texans would like to claim to the fajita, but history says that the Mexican people who worked in Texas invented the Fajita in early 1900's.

  On the Texan ranches when the cowboys were rounding up the cows, the cows were killed to feed the workers and the family who owned the ranch. The parts of the cow that were not used such as the hide, the head and other waste parts of the cow were given to the Mexican workers as part of their pay. As these parts of the cow didn't have to best taste the workers added different spices and ingredients such as peppers and other stuff were added to add more of a taste. 
  The fajita began coming popular throughout Texas, many restaurants around Texas began serving the fajita as a main course. In Northern America, the word fajita was known a cut of meat until the 1990s. The meaning of the word fajita changed because Mexican restaurants started using the word fajita as the name of the dish in their marketing. Since then the fajita has become very popular internationally, with many restaurants and companies promoting the food.

 Since the fajita was first created in the 1920's the recipe has changed significantly and there is many variations of the fajita. The fajita was originally made using waste meat from a cow but now the fajita uses the best parts of the meal as the prices have changed and the best parts of the cow are now affordable

There is many ways to cook a fajita but to me there is a clear winner, that is the Old el Paso fajita kits it is worth a look

Monday 19 September 2016

Mexicans and their food.

There is many popular types of Mexican food Fajitas, Tacos, Burrito and Guacamole. One thing most if not all these dishes have in common is that their original recipe is spicy. Mexican food was first discovered in the 16th century when the Spanish invaded the Aztec empire. Mexican dishes have many ingredients in common, the main ingredients used in most Mexican dishes are corn, beans, avocados, tomatoes, chili peppers and rice. Chili peppers play a large part in Mexican food. Chili's and salt were so important to the people of  Mexico that during special religious fasts they could eat them. Most of the meats eaten today with Mexican food was added by the Spanish when they took over the Aztec empire. Today, much traditional Mexican food is prepared the same way but with different meats.

Friday 16 September 2016

Geog Blog!

When told to write a blog on the Geography of a topic I went home and really thought hard about something I'm passionate about so I could write about it easily, I love food and I especially love Mexican food so I thought why not write about it. So here it goes I am writing a blog about the Geography of Mexican food.